What does the Board do?
Among other things…
Determine the makeup of teams and divisions.
Enforce the rules and regulations of the FLAA’s leagues, Inter-town league, and other affiliates, including tournaments.
Oversee the use of all FLAA property.
Review the financial records of the FLAA.
Organize and delegate all fundraising for the FLAA.
Act as a body to hear complaints or requests received through its athletic programs that cannot first be resolved at the individual director level.
Act upon any emergency that cannot wait until a regular monthly FLAA meeting.
Board Positions
Principal Executive Officer
Presides over all BoD meetings
Signs official documents and checks
Represents the league at meetings of Babe Ruth, Inc.
Responsible for the conduct of the league in strict compliance with Babe Ruth, Inc.rules
Keep the minutes of the meetings
Record all motions and voting results
Responsible for the timely posting of league notices
Administer any email votes
Form and preside over Scholarship Committee
Prepare and submit an annual budget
Responsible for all funds and securities of the FLAA
Receive and give receipts for money due and payable to the FLAA
Deposit all such money in the name of the FLAA
Track and record all expenses and income
Report on expenses and income at each monthly meeting
Director of Baseball Operations
Oversee all levels of the baseball programs
Ensuring that each program functions according to the FLAA’s common baseball philosophy
Assist and communicate with managers in each program
Supervise and assist with the organization of tryouts, player drafts, player allocations, and all-star selection
Assist the division directors in scheduling and coordinating field usage for practices
Directors for Minor, Major, and Babe RuthDivisions
In charge of registrations, setting up the number of teams required, and finding managers;
In charge of teams’ practice times and field availability to ensure equal time on the fields Coordination of umpires
With Director of Equipment, responsible for the inventory of all equipment needed for all teams
Submitting any concerns to the Board of Directors.
Directors for Instructional Programs within Tee Ball and Rookie Divisions
Director of Field Maintenance
Director of Fundraising and Sponsorships
In charge of all fundraising for the FLAA
Planning of all major events
Form and direct a subcommittee, at the director’s own discretion, to assist in these matters
Director of Equipment
In charge of equipment, inventory, and uniforms
In charge of the disbursement and collection of equipment
Ordering of uniforms for the regular season and tournament play
Community Relations/Website Development Director
Directly responsible for public and media releases
This position is responsible for organizing community relationship
Responsible for communications with parents of the League.
Maintain, augment and update the league’s website
Director(s) of Concession Stand
Purchasing of all food and supplies
Developing the schedule for coverage
Maintain the ServeSafe certification for the C-stand
Any other duties needed to ensure the running of the concession stand
Form and preside over a committee to assist in all of the previous
Director of Safety
Administer and maintain the CORI and other background check records for the league
Stay up to date with all safety and background check requirements with Babe Ruth League, Inc.
Communicate with coaches and volunteers regarding the above
Identify, plan, and implement any other measures to ensure the safety of our programs and facilities
Director of Registration
Director of Tournaments
Coordinate the necessary functions to host the annual Green Monster (formerly Little Fenway) tournaments, as well as any Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth district, state, or regional tournaments
Tournament functions include:
Umpire scheduling,
Assigning field crews,
Ordering tournament medals and awards, and
Tournament game scheduling.
Form and preside over a committee to assist in all responsibilities